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Chennai Local Network

Executive Committee

Dr S Prasanna Bharathi


Dr A Rathinam

Vice Chairperson

Dr S Srinivasan

Vice Chairperson

Dr R Rajkumar

Honorary Secretary

Dr R Hariharan

Honorary Treasurer

Shubham Saraff

Ordinary Member

Balamurugan Ramesh

Ordinary Member

Dr S Mahaboob Basha

Ordinary Member

Vivek Ram Vasan

Ordinary Member


Unravelling emerging tech opportunities in the pandemic: IET Chennai Local Network

With the sea of information already in circulation around Coronavirus and COVID-19, Shubham Saraff, Founder, of Applutions Softech provides insights on how to declutter and unravel the reality behind the monstrous creature- COVID-19.

In times of such a pandemic when pessimism is consuming all the strata of our society, it is technology that comes to the rescue.

View the video on how #engineers and #technologists can grab this opportunity and make a difference in these tiring times.