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Faraday India Programme

The IET Faraday project intends to provide teaching resources along with teacher enrichment programs for school teachers.

MoU with Saraswati Seva Foundation

In April 2017, IET India and Saraswati Seva Foundation (a non-profit organisation committed to serving underprivileged communities using knowledge tools and networks) joined to take the IET’s Faraday programme to Indian schools.

The MoU facilitates the exchange of content as well as technical know-how from the IET to enable the Saraswati Seva Foundation (SSF) to train and up-skill teachers in schools catering to the underprivileged. 

Visit to IET Faraday Schools

Ian Mercer, Head of International Operations, The IET, Shekhar Sanyal, Country Head and Director, IET India, Vivek Mehrotra, Chair of the IET India IoT Panel’s Ganga Rejuvenation Working Group and Vivek Singh, President, Saraswati Seva Foundation, visited schools in rural India that were benefiting from the IET Faraday content.

The delegation visited schools in Faizabad in Eastern Uttar Pradesh and interacted with students and teachers.  Speaking at the event, Ian Mercer said, "I am very pleased to roll out our Faraday program in partnership with SSF.

"While I am a regular visitor to India's major cities, this is the first time I have visited to smaller cities and rural areas. I am touched by the energy and encouraging response from the students and the teachers alike. I hope that the Faraday program, which stresses on applying Science while doing it, will be adopted across a large number of schools to benefit the students."

Get in touch

If you are a school that wishes to implement the IET Faraday programme for free, please get in touch with Muneeza Mushtaq at